
False spider mites

False spider mite Brevipalpus yothersi
False spider mite Brevipalpus yothersi


Mites of the family Tenuipalpidae have a worldwide distribution and can be found on many cultivated plants. Several species have been reported, especially by growers of greenhouse ornamentals.

Tenuipalpidae are known as false spider mites because they closely resemble spider mites (family Tetranychidae) or as flat mites because their body is rather flat compared to other mites. Most species that cause damage to cultivated plants belong to the genera Brevipalpus and Tenuipalpus. The most common species are Tenuipalpus pacificus, which causes damage to orchids and Brevipalpus phoenicis, Brevipalpus obovatus and Brevipalpus californicus which have an almost worldwide distribution and many host plants.

Life cycle and appearance of False spider mites

Most false spider mites (Tenuipalpidae) are brick-red to yellow in colour. They have the same body shape as spider mites but are usually smaller. The different species all look very similar. False spider mites pass through the same developmental stages as spider mites: egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph and adult. They move slowly and are mostly found along the veins on the underside of leaves. The mites are flattened and egg-shaped when seen from above, with their dorsal surface showing a net-like pattern. The eggs are a clear red colour and elliptical in shape. They are laid in a fold in the leaf or along the mid-vein, often in dense clusters of several hundreds.